I'd love your feedback about this proposal for a new direction for the blog: A Refuge for Truth.
Throughout history, we can see a clear need for those willing to stand for what's right and true. Here's the first lesson I learn about truth from history:
Truth is not decided by the majority Majority rules works in various venues, but it is not a valid reasoning to discover or argue for competing truth claims. You may be able to "rally your troops" to stand up for saying that the sun is made of spare ribs, but that doesn't change the facts.
In fact, the majority often chooses what is wrong and untrue. Throughout the Bible there are accounts of the "remnant," the relatively minuscule group of individuals who are willing to stand for what's right, even in the face of the majority. Even in the face of intimidation. Even in the face of defamation of character and slander. Even in the face of false prophets, wicked leaders, and those who twist the word of God.
- Elisha was up against evil leaders that had been brought in, and cries out to God from his anguish that there were so few people in Israel willing to stand up for truth - everyone was falling in line with the King, regardless of what was right and true.
- Jesus stood up for what was right, and when the pressure changed, the crowds dispersed. Those who had followed him in what was right, now followed others in what was wrong.
- The early churches dealt with this:
- Jude writes to a church where certain teaches who brought a different message had "secretly slipped in," and the teaching had been tolerated because the appointed leaders of the church were not standing up for what was true, but were ok with the grace of God being used as a license for immorality. Yet Jude still had some people to write to to encourage to stand for truth and save others from the false message.
- The churches in Revelation were warned about tolerating individual teachers who taught different messages, but even then there was a remnant standing for what was true
- Jesus' own life is a clear example of the remnant standing for truth. His followers were so fickle that they turned from following his teaching, and turned back to those who wanted to murder truth. Only a small remnant was still standing up for what was right and true.
- What is true?
- What is the right thing to do?
I'd love your thoughts!
(This is the first in a series working toward exploring a possible new goal for the website of making it a refuge for truth.)
I am posting this as anonymous only because I can't figure out how to post as me (Lori)
To answer your questions
What is true?
The Bible is true. It's a circular argument but we know the Bible is True because it says it is. Also God is true again we know it because He says it. Truth is absolute, it is either true or it isn't.
What is the right thing to do?
I used to believe the Bible wasn't applicable to my life, however, when as I study more I realize the Bible applies to everything...I've even applied it to LOST :) When I wonder what the "right" thing to do is the Bible has the answer. Several of the "right" things the Bible tells us are:
1.believe in Jesus and confess He is Lord.
2.Repent our sins and live new lives(if there is no evidence of Jesus in your life go back to #1).
3.care for the poor, the widows, and orphans(the world).
4.care for the flock (God's people)
5.Flee from false teachers and wolves in sheep's clothing (this means we need to evaluate what we are being taught, we need to measure it against God's word)
6.Be a light in the darkness(our lives should look different)
Jon many people will do wrong simply because it is easy and requires less thought. Doing the right thing may be unpopular(think driving the speed limit at all times), even in the church setting. The right thing will be hard(think marriage vs divorce). There will be a lot of opposition, even from people you once trusted. The right thing may have bad consequences (think about punishing your child).
Jon you also mentioned briefly the idea of unity, I hope you go into more detail on this subject, let me just put this out to your readers who believe in unity above all or to keep the peace. The majority of the world is anti-Christian so for peace keeping purposes should we (Christians) unite with the rest the world and denounce Jesus so we can all live in peace?
@Lori - Above the buttons to Post or Preview your comment, there should be a "Comment as:" selection box. You can comment by selecting a service to log in through (a Google, OpenID, or AIM account for example) or choose "Name/URL" and just type in your name - I don't think URL is required there.
I agree that the Bible is a source of truth. Of course, that's all dependent on how you study the Bible, because all kinds of wrong things have been taught and justified by mishandling of the Bible. The Bible as a source of truth depends on a proper studying (exegesis) of the Bible. Until you've studied it, you don't know what it is.
If you don't know what the truth is, you can't apply it to your life (the transition from what's True to what's Right).
Is the Bible the only source of truth?
Many people say, "All truth is God's truth." While the Bible is true, not everything that's true is in the Bible.
That is, logic and reasoning are valid sources of truth as well. Logic and reasoning apply philosophically and practically - detectives use logic and reason to solve crimes, as we should to find out the facts about a situation.
The same is true in these situations as well. When you don't even know the facts (what's True), how can you know how to do what's Right?
Good points I see what you mean about the Bible being used out of context.
To answer the first question No the Bible is not the only source of truth.
Do we have know all the facts(truth) before we do the right thing? I can know some facts and can see the right thing to do, I know others would need more facts to make the same decisions
What causes us to know the truth and still do the wrong thing?
Do logic and reason bring you to God?
If God is the source of truth shouldn't we be seeking Him?
If you don't believe in God can you know truth?
Do we have know all the facts(truth) before we do the right thing?
I would think that the danger with waiting until we know "all the facts" before we do the right thing would be an interminable wait.
It seems that we need to act on the Truth that we do know.
What causes us to know the truth and still do the wrong thing?
Sin. Is there another option?
Do logic and reason bring you to God?
I think they do, but this is interrupted by the effects of sin. Without logic and reason, you cannot know truth.
If God is the source of truth shouldn't we be seeking Him?
Yes, I think everyone should be seeking God.
If you don't believe in God can you know truth?
I think that people who don't know God can excel at knowing some truth. For example, most people know their phone number. They'll be telling the truth if they tell you. Mathematicians and scientists can excel at teaching you truth about numbers and the physical realm on the basis of truth that they know. All religions, it has been argued, contain some truth. But there is one religion that is all true.