Global cooling is becoming more and more visible as global temperatures drop. This winter is projected to be extra cold. Proponents of the Hysteria of Global Warming say this is no indication that warming isn't happening.
Global warming = rising temperatures. But somehow "rising temperatures" is true, even if temperatures are dropping. Why are we expected to suspend common sense and basic logic for this? Doesn't this smack of propaganda?
McCain pulling ahead in the polls
There are lots of polls, and they ask different questions to different people and get different results. For example, when all registered voters are included, Obama is more likely to lead. But when people who are actually likely to vote, McCain is stronger. Obama's been ahead in almost every poll. One by one the polls are starting to show McCain with the national lead. If we see Obama behind, we'll quickly see him turn negative. [source]
Obama unveils Marxist class envy
Obama's latest ad says you should vote against McCain because he owns more property than you. Because... we want someone who has proven they cannot manage money? By the time I'm McCain's age, I'd love to be able to invest in Real Estate. Wouldn't you? Besides, Obama is no pauper.
I like the "Hysteria* of Global Warming" bit. I'm starting to think that most liberal policies are based on creating hysteria. Which is pretty sad considering that some of those things are important to think about. I'd rather be pushed to think about them than worry about them, though.
The video is frustrating because it doesn't really say anything except that because he has money, he's bad. John Kerry, anybody? Who doesn't have money in politics?
*Did you know that the word hysteria comes from the same root word as hysterectomy and was originally used to describe the way women acted during that, um, time. That made me BWA HA the other day. As a linguist, I thought you might appreciate that.
Thanks for the juicy etymology tidbit!
The Left tends to promote emotion-based decision making rather than logic-based decision making.
That's why you've got more excited Obama supports who can't tell you anything that he'll do, but it feels good to vote for him.
Emotions aren't bad, but they're easily manipulated, so you can control people's decisions by making them feel guilty about what they've done, or feel good about what you want to do.