We can make up for not having as low prices by making up for it in other ways.
However, a web site is not something you can excel without.
Not every youth group, church, and business with no website will fail. But they won't excel like they could.
A business today without a website is like a business with no front to their store. No windows, no displays, no signs.
A business with a poor website is like a company that has a storefront, but put no work into it, evidently not caring whether people see the store and enter. Little better than not having a website.
But excel with your website, and you've leveraged the power of the internet to broadcast a quality front entrance to your store.
It is no longer just teenagers who use the internet. People of all ages are using the internet now for work, and have stopped using the yellow pages. They look on the Internet. Your website is the first impression your audience will see of you. Your website is the presentation of your organization to the world.
You just might make it by without a website. But what is the reason for avoiding the internet? There are reasons that we use, and I'll be writing about those in the coming few days.
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